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Auction: Real Estate & Machine Shop
Location: On Site
Start Date: 3/28/2019
Start Time: 10:00 am


                                        PUBLIC AUCTION

                               Real Estate and Machine Shop

                              Thursday March 28th, 10:00 AM

                        12820 Industrial Rd. Houston, Tx 77015

Real Estate: Mark Thomas Re Broker #386889-Mthomas@auctionsection.com or call 713-594-1576 

General Merchandise: Yale Forklift 9006 Hrs 5,000# Lift Capacity, Komatsu Forklift (2), 2x Containers, 10 Miller Welders, and 1 Gas Welder. Generators, 12 Stainless Steel Tables, Fans, Tools, Scrap Metal and More.


        For More: 713-946-8888




         Col. Gary E. Worstell #12802


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